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Veterans Disability – Total Disability and Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

Veterans Disability – Total Disability and Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

Entitlement to TDIU requires evidence of unemployment due to the disability in question and medical evidence that a veteran’s service-connected disability renders him or her totally disabled and unemployable. A Vocational Expert report can assist the veteran and their attorney in documenting Total Disability.

The United States  Department of Veteran’s Affairs  (VA) is a government-run military benefits system that is responsible for administering programs for veterans, their families, and survivors. VA regulations state that all veterans who are unable to secure and follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of a service-connected disability shall be rated totally disabled.

Total disability is defined by the Veteran’s Administration as “when there is present any impairment of mind or body which is sufficient to render it impossible for the average person to follow a substantially gainful occupation.” When a veteran is unable to work but the VA rating schedule does not permit a total disability rating, total disability can be determined based upon individual unemployability or TDIU.

“Individual Unemployability,” or IU, is a way for the VA to compensate veterans at the 100 percent rate who are unable to work because of their service-connected disability. This is the fastest-growing part of the disability compensation program.


The recent US Court of Appeals Case of Smith v Shinseki (No 2010-7145), using Social Security case law, indicates the Veteran’s Administration does not have to use  Vocational Experts in Total Disability Individual Unemployability cases , but that the VA adjudicator must consider a report documenting the Veteran’s unemployability. It is clear from this decision that the ultimate question is the employability of the Veteran, not the availability of jobs they can perform.


Based on our extensive knowledge of vocational issues, OAS is capable of evaluating a Veteran who has physical and/or mental impairments that are “service-connected.” We can evaluate a veteran as to their ability to perform a substantial gainful work activity.


The  vocational evaluation  consists of four parts: a  medical record review , standardized vocational diagnostic interview, work, and transferable skills analysis, and, when necessary, testing to make a determination of the veteran’s ability to perform a gainful work activity.


The OAS vocational expert can assist the attorney in documenting the effect of your claimant’s service-connected medical impairments on their ability to perform a substantial gainful work activity. A Vocational Evaluation can be useful in establishing the veteran’s claim for TDIU.

Based on a record review, along with a completed standardized vocational form, and a transferability of skills analysis using U.S. Government approved labor market resources, Occupational Assessment Service’s Vocational Expert can render an opinion in a report as to the effect of the veteran’s education, past work experience, and physical and/or psychiatric impairments on their ability to perform substantial gainful work activity on a sustained regular competitive basis.

A TDIU Vocational Evaluation report can be rendered on a nationwide basis using local, state, or federal government data. The interview and test battery can be administered via the internet using SKYPE, allowing veterans throughout the United States to obtain this important expert service.


Occupational Assessment Services, Inc. is one of the foremost companies providing  Vocational Experts services  in the United States for Veterans and attorneys with offices in NJ, NY, FL, TX, CT, & CA.


OAS Vocational Experts have worked for the U.S. Government in more than 2500 cases, as well as over 750 cases for claimants in Veteran’s Disability cases. We are the “go-to experts” providing Vocational Evaluation reports in Veteran’s Disability cases.


To see how OAS can assist you in  documenting a Veteran’s TDIU case , consult  or Call  800-292-1919  for a proposal containing the expert’s professional qualifications, fee schedule, and a sample report.


Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.


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