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Win Your Social Security Case: Understanding the Vocational Expert – Mistake #1

Win Your Social Security Case: Understanding the Vocational Expert – Mistake #1

Since 1964, the Social Security Administration has contracted with  Vocational Experts  to testify in Social Security cases. Many of these experts derive substantial income from serving as a witness for the government, and many are far from being “impartial.” The Social Security Administration Law Judges have tilted from granting more than 70% of the cases heard at the Hearing level to the current 40-50%. Many of the denials are based on the testimony of the government vocational expert’s testimony.


The techniques noted in this series of blogs can help you attack and negate the testimony of the government’s  vocational expert in social security cases . By understanding the various issues, terms, and resources, you will be prepared to win your case. Preparation and research into the claimant’s past relevant work history will allow you to verify the information presented by the VE and attack any inaccurate information.



The vocational expert should be knowledgeable in rehabilitation, as well as the vocational implications of injuries on a claimant’s employability.


The  vocational evaluation  of adults consists of an assessment of the person’s functional physical, psychological, and/or cognitive limitations on his/her work capacity.


On retaining your own VE, this is performed through a standardized interview, a review of educational and work records, and, in some cases, by administering a battery of vocational tests.

This information is analyzed to determine the claimant’s ability to competitively perform work in the labor market.

The use of the residual functional capacity evaluation form completed by the physician helps both attorney and vocational expert quantify and understand the functional limitations imposed by the claimant’s disability. This documents for the ALJ the effect of the medical condition on the claimant’s ability to perform activities of daily living and work duties.

The hiring of your own vocational expert to perform a vocational evaluation will allow you to counteract the government expert’s position and have more cases with a favorable decision.

Occupational Assessment Service’s Vocational Expert can render an opinion in a report as to the effect of the Social Security Claimant’s education, past work experience, and physical and/or psychiatric impairments on their ability to perform substantial gainful work activity on a sustained, regular, competitive basis.

A Vocational Evaluation report can be rendered on a nationwide basis using local, state, or federal government data. The interview and test battery can be administered via the internet using SKYPE, allowing claimants throughout the United States to obtain this important expert service.

Occupational Assessment Services, Inc.  is one of the foremost companies providing  Vocational Experts services  in the United States for Social Security Claimants and their attorneys with offices in  NJ, NY, FL, TX, CT & CA.

OAS Vocational Experts have worked for the U.S. Government in more than 3500 Social Security cases. We are the “go to experts” for providing  Vocational Evaluation reports in Social Security Disability cases.

Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.


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